How to Form & Maintain Healthy Relationships

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we want to acknowledge all the relationships out there, romantic or not, that guide us into our highest alignment.

When most of us hear the word “relationship”, we may automatically assume that it’s a romantic one, but relationships are all around us; from our parents, to our siblings, friends, bosses, coworkers, coaches, etc. and each one of them presents their own unique dynamic in our realities.

Building healthy foundations in relationships take time, but once they are in place, they become much easier to navigate as time goes on.

As Don Miguel Ruiz says

“To become masters of love, we have to practice love. The art of relationship is also a whole mastery, and the only way to reach mastery is with practice.”

To us, practicing and showing up in love looks like:

  • Effective and clear communication, even & especially during the hard times

(with this being said, always honor your process and take the time you need to reflect on the situation, especially if there are heightened emotions involved)

  • Openness and trust, with each other, and with ourselves

  • Willingness to admit faults and learn from them

  • Communicating needs and desires to one another

  • Calling each other higher bringing light to things or situations, in a gentle and kind way, that your partner, friend, or family member may not be seeing. This is a two way street, so it’s important to remain open to constructive criticism on the other end as well.

  • Holding each other accountable for things such as health goals, diets, exercise, sleep schedules, routines, meditations, self care, etc.

  • Allowing your partner to share their fears with you and work through them so they don’t stay bottled up inside (and for you as well!)

  • Be honest

  • Allowing your partner, or whoever, to be free in their expression without trying to hinder or change them. If you can’t find common ground here, the relationship may need some reevaluating or mutual compromise

  • Alchemizing the patterns you see continuously coming up in your life by looking at where they stem from (such as childhood, trauma, past relationships etc) and doing your best to acknowledge these while navigating through triggers

  • Practicing unconditional love and releasing any judgements that we may be holding onto

  • Making time for HAVING FUN! Remember to tap into your inner child and don’t let life get too serious…

Relationships can be really hard sometimes; as we are all moving through our own processes, stories, and lives in different ways so give as much love as you can, and if it doesn’t feel mutual or reciprocated, know your worth and allow space for those who ARE aligned with you, to enter your life.

We love you all so much!! Thank you for growing and expanding with us as always.

With love and gratitude,

The Cymbiotika Team

by / Feb 10, 2021